Last updated: 24 January 2025
All the information provided is true to the best of my (the client) knowledge. Upon booking I give Barking Banana (BB) permission to enter my premisses to gain access to my dog and will supply a key where required.
Fleas, Mites and Skin Irritation Treatment:
To safeguard all BB clients pet/s', it is a requirement that all clients keep their pet/s' flea treatment up to date. If there are any signs of infestation or skin irritation, it is imperative that the client informs BB immediately. That the client takes action to resolve the issue. This may include a treatment shampoo, staying your home and visiting the vets. All bookings may be put on hold until your pet/s are cleared.
You MUST inform BB if while pet sitting your pets' treatment date is due while you are away.
BB can recommend this product to protect and treat your home: Flea Spray Indorex Defence Household Fleas & Dust Mite Killer
Name Tags:
All dogs MUST be wearing a secure collar with a name tag. Walks may be cancelled if not provided. This is to safeguard your pooch if they should run off or get lost.
If a dog has previously run away or gone missing a GPS tracker must be worn. This is to be provided by the client along with the App and login details.
Travel Safety:
A body harness is also requested in addition to the name collar. This is so your pooch can be secured in the van for transport. If the client is unable to supply, BB does have harnesses available to use and also cages where suitable.
General Rates:
- One walk £13. + £5 weekends +£10 extra dog.
- Large dog £16.
- Extended days / Pet & House sitting services:*
- Up to 3 hours £23 + £5 weekends
- Weekdays: £40 off peak / £45 peak
- Weekends (Fri, Sat, Sun): £45 off peak / £50 peak
- Easter Weekend & Bank Holidays: £65
- Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New years Eve, New Years Day: £90
- Peak times: Easter, Summer and Christmas term time holidays
- Services start from 11am. Finish at 11am the following day. Additional walks or sitting outside of these times may incur a fee.
- 3 miles outside Shoreham up to £5 petrol levy.
- If you dog has an injury or has become unwell, an alternative shorter walk or home visit can be arranged but may incur an additional £5 fee.
*Times may vary. Pickup within 30 min period: 11.30am-12pm / 1pm-1.30pm.
*Although BB tries to adhere to these times there may be occasions these alter. This could be due to weather & traffic conditions, pick up allocation (first or last dog) or some other unforeseen issue. If there are is a foreseeable reason times may change, I will try my best to notify you in advance.
Bookings & Cancellations:
Client walking cancellations require 48-hour notice, after this period bookings are non-refundable, but in some circumstances can be rearrange for a future date. No refunds are available for pre-paid bookings. If BB must cancel, any pre-paid bookings will be credited for future use.
To secure your pet/house sitting booking a 50% deposit payment via invoice is required. The remainder to be paid 14 days prior to your booking. Deposits are non-refundable. Cancellations require 14 days notice otherwise the final amount will be due for payment in full. Should BB have to cancel you will receive a full refund.
Pet Sitting:
For the time period you are away, you MUST ensure:
- There is enough food for your pets'.
- All medication is available and organised
- Flea treatment is up to date and the next does and due date is supplied is required
- BB is aware of any illness or injury
- A local emergency contact is provide
- A local person has a spare key
- BB is informed of any deliveries
- Please provide any other important information
Payment Methods:
The preferred method of payment is via bank transfer. All cash payments require a signed receipt from both parties. In line with our safeguarding policy a designated 3rd party may make payments on the client’s behalf.
- Bookings for occasional services are payable in advance
- Monthly bookings will be payable on the 15th of each month - 2 weeks in arrears and 2 weeks in advance.
Travel Costs:
An additional fee of up to £5 per walk may be required for clients outside of the Shoreham-by-sea area to cover extra petrol and travel time.
Emergency Contact:
An emergence contact name, phone number and email of a family member, friend or carer is required if the client is not reachable. For safeguarding purposes this contact may also be made aware of the client’s agreement with BB.
Procedures may be put in place regarding arrangements and payments with a designated 3rd person to ensure all agreements are suitable for the client. All walkers are DBS checked. BB is fully insured, has undertaken a dog first aid course and has a full first aid kit.
New clients:
Will receive 3 walks for the price of 2. This trial period gives both the BB and the client time to review if they want to continue and book in future walks/services.
A minimum of 1 hour outbound.
Payment due 15th of each coming month.
Monday – Friday 11.30am-12pm / 1pm-1.30pm.
Wet and Muddy:
Although BB will endeavour to remove access mud during wet weather days, BB do not offer a grooming service and cannot be held responsible for any dirty marks in the client’s home. During winter months it is advised to supply a waterproof coat and leave out a towel so BB can give a wipe down.
Injured or Unwell:
You must inform BB immediately and prior to any walks or bookings If you dog has an injury or has become unwell.
Your bookings may be postponed until your pooch is back in good health. An alternative shorter walk or home visit can be arranged but may incur an additional £5 fee. Otherwise, the booking will be credited for future bookings.
If BB is not made aware of any injuries which cause a vet trip or extended walk - the client will be charged for this extra time at a rate of £10 per hour.
Gut Health:
Poor gut health and runny stools is a serious problem and may leave BB liable for fines if unable to clean up after the client’s dog when walking in public areas. If a dog is having digestive issues, walks will be placed on hold until the problem is rectified.
Poor gut health may be a result of diet, allergies, illness, or more serious conditions, so if problems persist, a vet visit it is recommended.
Useful resources:
BB cannot be held responsible for any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions.It is the responsibility of the pet owners to inform Barking Banana of ANY special needs of the dog big or small. BB is not responsible for any vet fees or travel costs. In an emergence BB will take the dog to the nearest vets and the client will be responsible to cover fees.
If BB is not made aware of any injuries which cause a vet trip incurring an extended period of time - the client will be charged for this extra time at a rate of £10 per hour.
Should BB have to cancel due to having to isolate, or we are put into a lock down, pre-paid bookings will be credited for future use. BB and clients are required to adhere to any covid safety requirements including wearing masks, using hand sanitiser, and keeping a safe distance, as and when legally implemented.
If you or a member of your household has tested positive for COVID please inform BB ASAP. Walks may be put on hold until there is no risk of cross contamination. A 48 hour notice period is required otherwise pre booked walks may still be chargeable.
Photos & Videos
By booking services you agree to images of your dog being used for promotional purposes online and in print. This will be for Barking Banana purposes only and not any other 3rd parties. You are able to request that your dog is not used for any standalone spotlight promotions, (your dog as the main standalone image,) in writing by emailing: However we cannot guarantee that the image of you dog won't be captured and shown in groups shots.