Sitting Checklist

Sitting Checklist

Thank you for booking with Barking Banana.

Please see our sitting requirements below:

1) Ensure any outstanding invoices are paid in full prior to your departure to avoid cancellation.

2) Supply feeding instructions and access to food.

  • Either written or digital 
  • Ensure there is enough food to cover the sitting period

3) Supply medical instructions and access to meds including flea treatments.

  • Either written or digital 
  • Ensure there is enough medication to cover the sitting period

4) Please clean and tidy the home including:

  • Sweep / Mop and/or hover floors
  • Bleach/antibacterial wipe surfaces in kitchen 
  • Clean appliances – cooker, microwave, fridge etc
  • Bleach/antibacterial wipe surfaces in bathroom especially bath/shower and toilet
  • Declutter toiletries from bathroom to allow space for mine
  • Declutter front room / living space
  • Empty/clean bins

5) Replace dirty with clean:

  • Bathroom floor mats
  • Bathroom towels
  • Settee Throws / blankets
  • Cleaning cloths / sponges
  • Kitchen tea towels
  • Dog bedding – blankets etc
  • Human bedding – Please just provide a clean sheet as I will bring my own duvet & pillows

6) Additional extras:

  • Stocked up on loo roll / bin bags and any other necessary household items
  • Contact details of spare key holder
  • Flea treatment is up to date
  • No fleas present in the home – can treat with Indorex
  • Supply any required instructions on house hold items i.e. TV control, boiler & heating, cooker etc. WhatsApp videos are simple & helpful.
  • Supply any required codes for alarm, TV etc.
  • Anything else you think may be useful
  • Any questions you may have

Thank you for your time and consideration and I hope you have a lovely trip!